Monday, 12 July 2021

2.52 Dancin'

Pictures likes these make me realise how closely Tula and Paolo resemble each other. Meaning, how Persis's face has been present for three generations now. Xara's sons also closely resemble her. 

*Ahem* back to the story! 

"I have to tutor today," Tula tells her father about her plans, "Chemistry this time. It really feels like digging up ancient ruins in my brain..." besides making her potions with the chemistry set, Tula has not used much of her school knowledge since her teen years. 

"I'm sure it'll come back to you." 

Now that she and William have jobs, Paolo's mood has lightened considerably. This is good for Tula because managing a conflict between her father and William would have been very time consuming. 

Haliya joins them for breakfast. 

"You know, the other day at the consignment store, I saw some of Sun's inventions up for sale," Tula mentions, "So she must still be in town..."

"Is that so," Paolo says tensely. 

"Oh come on, dad. She just left without saying goodbye, of course I'm curious where she went." Tula is curious. Sun has kept a very low profile around town since moving out. It's like she just vanished. 

Haliya looks at her food glumly. She's been wondering the same thing. "Yeah, why does she always come here but I can't visit her?" 

Paolo sighs. "She moved in with her new boyfriend. Terrence Peacock-Ring." He's unable to keep the bitterness out of his tone- he only heard this from Sun's sister Nakisha when he tried to drop off some of Sun's bulky inventions at her house. The other thing, which he feels petty for being bothered by, is that Terrence is a good 15 years younger than either of them. 

Silence settles around the table. Haliya, having spent her entire life in Appaloosa Plains, is familiar with the Peacock-Rings. She knows perfectly well how old Terrence is. 

Tula clears her throat. "Well. That's that. Haliya, um...isn't the career fare at your school today?" 

Haliya is grateful for the topic change. "Yeah. I was thinking of going to the musician stand..." 

"I didn't know you were interested in music," Paolo says, surprised. 

"I'm not, I'm just...considering my options... with my GPA I...shouldn't be picky," she gets quieter the longer her sentence goes on. Her guidance counsellor's words were harsh, but she has to admit her grades still aren't the best. 

Tula rolls her eyes. "Believe me, Haliya, your GPA will not matter when you apply for work. They keep harping on that in school for their image and for everyone who goes into university, but everyone here manages to get a job with or without a high GPA." Tula knows from her own experience that no one ever asked for her report card when she was applying for work. 

At her words, Haliya seems to perk up a little. 

After breakfast, it's homework time. Saturday mornings are a good time for her to get her schoolwork out of the way so she can enjoy her weekend. 

"Um...just let me know if you need help," Paolo says feebly. Tula is usually the one who helps Haliya out with her homework. 

Paolo stands around awkwardly for a few moments, not sure what to do with himself. 

"Dad, you can sit down you know..." Haliya feels bad for her father, taking time out of his weekend to help her out. 

"Right, right..." 

Like Paolo, William is also helping his daughter today. 

"Television," William says, enunciating the difficult "vish" sound. 


"No, fish. Say fishing!" 




After homework, Paolo takes Haliya to the winter festival. After such a grueling few months they both need a fun time out.

Haliya worries about her father. It's so cold out and he's not even wearing a coat, for heaven's sake!

She zones out for about 15 minutes, focusing on going in a circle. When she looks up she's surprised to see her dad holding hands with a woman. 

The thought of either of her parents dating again makes her very uncomfortable. Does her dad think because her mom shacked up with some random guy that it's his turn now!? 

She's relieved when they get off the ice skating rink and her dad finally throws on a jacket. 

"I hope that didn't give you the wrong idea back there," Paolo laughs nervously, "She's married. And I...I'm not really interested in dating. I'm too old." He's only half-joking. It might be pessimistic of him, but he's taken his sudden divorce as a sign to stay away from romance for the time being. 

Haliya feels relieved, then feels guilty for feeling relieved. "Oh, about we build a snowman or something?"

As Haliya chatters away about some of her friends at school, Paolo smiles. It's taken a long time, but it feels like he's finally on good terms with his daughters. 

"I'm not an astronaut yet," he corrects Haliya, "But I will be soon." 

Haliya frowns. For years she was convinced her dad was already doing time in space. Only now does it occur to her that her father has been in Appaloosa Plains every single day of her life... 


Haliya surprises her father with a hug. 

"Will you help me get ready for the winter dance tonight?" 

He smiles. "Of course."

While Haliya gets ready, Yana entertains herself with the one of the many, many toddler books Haliya insisted they buy. Talking is a bit difficult but Yana likes reading. Like her father, she seems to prefer time alone doing quiet activities. 

Overhead shot of the nursery. The room is small, but it has everything Yana needs. 

Seeing Haliya rush off to her dance brings back some memories of Tula's prom. She offers to show William some of her dance moves from back then. 

"Ah-fuck, ow!" Tula curses, spinning William to close to her and causing him to step on her toes. Even now she's still uncoordinated! 

William laughs and pulls her close to him. "You know, usually the guy leads." 

Tula blushes. "Oh...I never actually took dance lessons. I was too embarrassed." She remembers how she and Guy left their own prom early when they were teens. Neither of them were any good at dancing. 

William tries to show her some dance moves. 

"You think I could bend my back like that without snapping my spine in two? Even before the baby this would have been ambitious. Now? No chance." 

They laugh and sway together for a few moments. 

William effortlessly twirls Tula into a dip. 

"Wow, you've been taking dance moves?" 

William smiles, "I had to survive those stupid clubbing nights with my co-workers somehow." 

He surprises her with a very deep and passionate kiss. 

When he lets her onto her feet he gives her another, much lighter kiss. 

"What was that for?" Tula asks. 

"For putting up with me. I love you, Tula." 

Tula smiles. "I love you too." 

AN: A bit shorter than I wanted, but the next scene was a Snowflake day party which would have made this chapter way too long

I should also apologise for all the "filler". I know that Tula's life of crime was probably way more interesting. All I can say is- in due time. 

That last scene was there because after all this time, I had actually forgotten to make Tula and William "go steady". I didn't want anything weird going on with their relationship status (I think romantic interests can actually go back to friends if they don't interact for long enough?) so I wanted to be sure that they were in a "proper" relationship. 

The title is from a youtube meme I became briefly obsessed with a few months ago which had a pretty nice song in it. Both are linked below: 



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